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Bus schedule from Playa del Carmen to Chetumal

Travelling to Chetumal is best done by ADO bus, which is the most affordable and most easy way to get to Chetumal either from Cancun, Tulum or even Bacalar.

Below is the bus schedule for departure from Playa del Carmen, the bus takes you 4.5 hours to Chetumal. The bus starts in Cancun and stops in Playa del Carmen Alterna, Tulum, Bacalar and the new terminal in Chetumal.

When departing from ADO bus terminal in Cancun your trip will be over an hour more. departure from Tulum is an hour less.

Ado bus, cancun, Playa del Carmen, how to, time tables, price

Price of a bus ticket from Playa del Carmen to Chetumal

Depending on which time you travel a ticket will cost 418 pesos. Only the 19.55 bus is 530 pesos. 

ADO buses are very comfortable, there is a USB power point near every reclinable seat and a toilet on board. In most parts of the journey, there is even WIFI. But since the route to Chetumal leads you over the “Dead highway”, a part of the highway where there is no cellphone signal, in this case, you have to pass time with the movie shown on the bus, the scenery or a book.

Because Tulum and Bacalar are very popular places to visit it is wise to make reservations and buy tickets a little in advance.

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Seats are designated upon purchase, you can ask for a preferred seat. Seats in front of the bus are numbered 1 and 2 behind the driver and 3 and 4, front seats across the aisle. Seats 3 and 4 usually have a video screen above the seats.

When purchasing a seat you have to show identification. When entering the bus you have to show it again. 

Is it safe to travel by ADO bus through that part of Quintana Roo?

ADO wants all her passengers to identify themselves. The buses do not stop while travelling to pick up other passengers. So I think, travelling with ADO is safe. All buses have a Satellite tracker as well. Bus drivers are very capable and experienced.

Other than the smaller vans that stop everywhere a person wants to get on the bus. That makes a journey more vulnerable. And yes, robberies do happen on Mexican Highways, and sometimes you think that there are a lot, forgetting that this country alone has the size of Europe. When you put it in perspective, it is not more dangerous than travelling in Europe for example.

Busses for Chetumal do not depart from the tourist bus terminal on 5th avenue in Playa del Carmen but from the bus terminal called “Alterna” located on 20 Avenue.

Departure time

  • 00.40
  • 01.45
  • 07.25
  • 08.35
  • 09.25
  • 10.55
  • 11.55
  • 12.25
  • 13.15
  • 14.40
  • 15.55
  • 16.40
  • 17.55
  • 18.55
  • 19.55
  • 21.25
  • 22.55
  • 23.53