this way to white beach
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How to travel from White Beach to Batangas

Hop on, hop off, that is what you can do for a quick visit to White Beach Puerto Galera, Philippines. The ferries depart daily from Batangas Pier going to Muelle and from there by tricycle to White beach or with Minolo Shiping Lines, free transport in a van.

There are direct ferries going to White Beach as well.

Returning from your beach break is even more easy, just hop on any of the many ferries departing from White Beach.

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Travelling from Puerto Galera to Batangas? Here are the schedules from Muelle Pier

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Please note that time schedules in the Philippines are changeable under many circumstances. Maintenance, weather and empty vessels may cause a delay. Check with the staff if the ferry is departing on time before you purchase a ticket.